Before 2022

今天没什么精神,没有欲望也没有动力。Don’t have any vitality today, no appetence yet no motivation.

值得记录的事情 | Specials & Feelings

班里开了联欢会。The class held a party.

五位同学几把吉他,手机推音响,撑起两个多小时的消遣时光。Five classmates with a few guitars, Mobile push the speaker, holding up two hours of pastime.
饮料零食也没怎么吃。Yet didn’t have many drinks and snacks.
到数学老师那里赔罪,只拿回来了一套新题。Having gone to the mathematics teacher to apologize, only came back with a new problem set.
同学们真是才艺缤纷啊,我什么都不会。My classmates are very talented, I can do nothing.

周围人多了,我却笑的更少了。Surrounded by more people, I grin less, however.

一转眼已经2022了啊。 Coronavirus 也有两年了。In a blink of an eye, it is already 2022. It has been two years since the coronavirus.
今天美国一天就新增快60w病例。Another 600 thousand report in a day in America.

病毒大过年也找到了归宿,真美好。The Virus also found its way back home, good.

做了什么 | Commons

《关于我转生变成史莱姆这档事》第二季看完了。Watched Rimuru season 2.

缺乏欲望的理想只是空谈,缺乏理想的力量也会显得空虚。 – Rimuru Tempest
Ideal without greedy would only be a guff, power without ideal would also be seen hollow.

什么没做 | To-do Regrets

任务 | Jobs

  • 语文 | Chinese

  • 数学 | Mathematics

  • 英语 | English

  • 物理 | Physics

  • 化学 | Chemistry

  • 生物 | Biology

  • Daily Workouts

    • FollowingMoon
    • ChasingSun
    • CheckAtSleep

心情 | Emotions

Before 2022
Posted on
December 31, 2021
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