
骗你的,下周一才上学。没想到吧?It was tricking you, school start on the next Monday. Did not expect that, no?

值得记录的事情 | Specials & Feelings

病重。好像他们在讨论我,戴耳机也能听见,是幻觉吗? The illness was getting severe. It felt like they were talking about me, still able to hear with headphones, was that a hallucination?

做了什么 | Commons

把课外文言和书评糊弄完。 Finishing the extracurricular ancient Chinese and book review carelessly.
数学概率作业写完。Having written the mathematics statistics homework.
看两眼化学。Having taken a glance at Chemistry.

什么没做 | To-do Regrets

语文本上的微写作。Small writing on the Chinese book.
数学本上几道大题。Some questions on the Mathematics book.
生物实验报告……算了,撕了也罢。都没心情种。The report of Biology experiment… Never mind, it’s okay to rip it, having no mood to plant.
化学补充题和作业本。真想糊弄了事。 The additional questions and homework book of Chemistry. Really wanting to finish the job carelessly.
这两天手脚冰凉,这时常能感觉到,比如现在我躺在床上,用这个鸡肋的Hexon在手机上盲写文字的时候。等等,这是人类语序吗? Feeling ice-cold on my hands and feet, at which time I could feel, which was writing characters without looking with this sucks Hexon.

任务 | Jobs

  • 语文 | Chinese

  • 数学 | Mathematics

  • 英语 | English

  • 物理 | Physics

  • 化学 | Chemistry

  • 生物 | Biology

  • Daily Workouts

    • FollowingMoon
    • ChasingSun
    • CheckAtSleep

心情 | Emotions

又要开学了,心灵又要受折磨了。哈哈!Another starting of the school, another starting of torture of the mind, LoL!

Posted on
February 18, 2022
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