Chip in Mind

Over the past few decades, we have been watching so many Science-fiction films and television shows that reflect the technology people always dream about. One of the most common is Telepathic Brain Chip. Imagine whenever you get confused, a voice raised from your head will guide you the way, whenever you feel lonely, you always get a person to chat with, furthermore, by gaining full access to your mind, you can even simply disable that feeling. As we all know, a company called “Neuralink” has committed to realizing the above fantasies for many years. But when fiction comes to reality, controversy followed. Many people questioned the company’s idea of inserting a chip into our minds.

The technology is developing so fast that many people are worried that someday we will be replaced by A.I. We can see many repetitive jobs that provide a lot of employment opportunities now are all done by machines, because of their low labor prices with higher efficiency and output quality, which result in a soaring unemployment rate. Obviously, the development of Telepathic Brain Chip, aka brain-interface, is pushing it forward. Within 10 years, our dictionary has mostly been replaced by Google Translate, and information we could hardly reach in the past can be easily collected by a click. The price of knowledge is getting cheaper and cheaper, we must consider whether this is causing the loss of our ability to think and remember. It is not hard to imagine what we will be like with the embedded chip in another 10 years. Another concern like the Ship of Theseus is whether they are a congener like us if there is a chip inside their mind?

But everything you gain comes with a price to pay. In the journey of human growth, we sacrificed air pollution, sea-level rise, increased carbon dioxide, and environmental degradation. Environmental degradation and industrial pollution are affecting natural and cultural heritage as a payback, too. But does it really matter? We gain ourselves a better life. We made use of electricity, then invented the air-conditioner, from that time we escaped from sizzling summer. No offense, I recognize this as the most meaningful invention personally. You can complain that people lost their ability in heat resistance, or people can bear darkness if they did not see the lightness. It makes sense, without these tools we created, we may get a way stronger physical strength, but doesn’t it make us more like an ape? We developed so many tools in human history, they did not make us silly but made us today, developing more beauty. Brain-interface indeed has issues, just like many other newborns, but they are the barriers we must break through. People can bear darkness if they did not see the lightness, or they fear the lightness. I will say we always step between the dark and light, but thanks to the development of the times, we take one step forward. We shine the way we passed and greet the next darkness, so we are congeners, always been there, always will be. This is the chip we share in mind.

Chip in Mind
Posted on
June 11, 2022
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