a brief sum-up

I finally split up with 161,

although there are still some messages randomly from school pop up on WeChat after I quit this app for a few months, which upset my nerve from time to time occasionally, the desensitization has already been built.

I am in an exam preparation

I am in exam preparation for IELTS, which will be taken more than a month later than when I am writing this. The Listening and Reading part is acceptable, which are both around 7, however, the reading efficiency needs to be improved since I struggle to finish it before the recommended allotted time on some parts or even exceed the overall time limit.

My main problems are in Speaking and Writing. I am not going to find excuses for my terrible speaking skill for the sake of being introverted because if so, then it can only be seen from my speaking that compared to an introvert, I am instead to be an autistic patient. I have found some people who are also preparing for IELTS to help me practice and improve my speaking. Currently, I’m also self-training by recording my speaking; For writing, I am using Grammarly to correct my spelling and semantics and to improve clarity and fluency. As I am writing this, I subscribe to the premium of Grammarly because it works as well as I don’t want to constantly disturb these English speakers I know and ask too many dumb questions.

Ask questions / Ask for something

My problems with writing are constantly making grammatical errors, loss of structure and inconsistent meaning. I can see that my writing skill has improved since the first few essays I wrote looked dreadfully bad and I have revised some of them.

with implies my writing has several problems, wherea of implies my general writing is a problem.

It’s too late to stay up to record too many bloated thoughts, and my left shoulder starts to pain, alerting me to leave my screen and desk. Good luck with my IELTS.

Good luck with is wishing someone ‘good luck’ with a particular object, while ‘Good luck to’ is directed at a person or a thing.

Directed at means a comment or a question about a person or a thing, direct to emphasize the procedure of sending, which commonly would be a place.

Tonight’s VPN is so bad that makes the experience of looking up references unprecedentedly painful.

a brief sum-up
Posted on
February 3, 2023
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